Moonfleet is a lovely old cruiser, guarded by a large owl. Moonfleet is also the completion of an ambition I've held since I was 5: To own a boat. Having lived within 3 miles of Oulton Broads for the last 4 years it seemed time to finally indulge my ambition.
The owl is an effective goose deterrent, explained by my co-owner, allowing Moonfleet to avoid the fate of other boats in our sleepy little mooring which are covered in goose droppings.
I really did buy a boat in January: Hardly the best time as my subsequent visits have been thwarted by snow and ice but we have enjoyed 1 short potter towards St Olaves.
My co-owner is an experienced seaman and has promised to train me to a sufficient standard that I do not bend our lovely little boat. I am competent but not confident with our dinky outboard-driven craft: My previous experience includes yachts and larger cruisers.
So .. if you see our little cruiser and it's owl .. give us a cheery hail. If we're moored we'll probably have the kettle on.
I want to get a 'cruiser mast' so we can fly my
NSBA flag, as well as hold up the top navigation light.Despite Moonfleet being a fibreglass bathtub I have also joined the
Vintage Wooden Boat Association because some of the most beautiful boats on the broads are wooden.
I have already got a number of further ambitions .. to get a VHF licence and a VHF radio: Not much call for it on the broads but a bit more reliable than mobile coverage and if I ever do accidentally go to sea or break something it'll be good to know how to call for help.
I already hold my
RYA Competent Crew and am considering working on my Day Skipper.