Wednesday 26 September 2012

Arthur C Robb - Meteor displacement calculations

I now have the Meteors displacement calculations ( including materials list ) and assorted notes from Arthur C Robb himself. They were originally written in pencil so the images received are barely legible in parts. They are, however, certainly my Meteor and link my Meteor to his well respected Lion class and other better known designs.
The calculations have been dated 5/2/49 which is 5th February 1949. The date is typed in the English ( ) style.
This is all courtesy of those wonderful folks at Museum of America and the Sea at Mystic Seaport where a collection of Arthur C Robb's paperwork is kept.

1 comment:

WoodwindMark said...

Could you please e-mail me a copy of the displacement calcs and materials list? I'd love to have a look at them.